The course of transplantation

2nd stage ‒ Preparing beds for new hair

After a break, during which the patient enjoys refreshments, we come to pick them up in the patient room and deliver them to the operating theatre. The patient sits down into the operating chair. Subsequently, we repeat the framing of lines or areas where new hair should grow. Then the application of local anesthesia is accomplished in the recipient area.

To mitigate the pain of single punctures, a synthetic ice spray is used. The anaesthesia gets efficient within three minutes then the patient does not feel any pain, they only feel touch or pressure. Then a subsequent preparation of beds (the openings) for the newly implanted hair grafts can start.

Total preparation of the openings depending on the number of grafts usually takes 20 to 30 minutes. Patients compare the audible impression this part with the sound of peeling oranges. They do not feel any pain and are able to communicate with the operating team, our specialists study the key parameters of whole process. They comprise opening inclination, rotation, depth and thickness of the injection. This all will have a crucial impact on the resulting look and life-long growth of the transplanted hair. Each puncture is checked and counted, which means we have multiple controls on the number of grafts.

After creating the last opening the recipient area is cleaned with tweezers to prevent the retention of the so-called epidermis (surface of the skin) in the openings. If it were pushed inside with the new graft, it could cause an inflammatory reaction in the recipient area. This is the end of the second phase and we can proceed to the planting of the grafts.


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